What We Do
Southwestern Connecticut Intergroup Bylaws
SOUTHWESTERN CONNECTICUT INTERGROUP OF OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Region 6 Intergroup Number 09278 ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be the Southwestern Connecticut Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous, also known as Southwestern Connecticut Intergroup, hereinafter known as Intergroup, which was founded on May 8, 1992. ARTICLE II - PURPOSE Section 1 - Purpose The primary purpose of this organization is to aid those with the problem of compulsive eating through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, guided by the Twelve Concepts of OA Service and to serve and represent the OA groups from which the Intergroup is formed. This Intergroup is in compliance with and qualifies as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law). Section 2 - The Twelve Steps
[The Twelve Steps cannot be amended by an Intergroup.] Section 3 - The Twelve Traditions
[The Twelve Traditions cannot be amended by an Intergroup.] Section 4 - The Twelve Concepts of OA Service
[The Twelve Concepts of OA Service cannot be amended by an Intergroup.] ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Section 1 - Membership Membership of the Intergroup shall consist of the following:
- New Haven County - Towns within Connecticut that adjoin or are near the above counties. Section 2 - Qualifications Qualifications or eligibility for membership in the Intergroup: A. Those OA groups within the Region or the geographic definition of Intergroup that have indicated their intention to belong to Intergroup may be considered members. These points shall define an OA group:
B. Each group shall be entitled to only one vote through its elected IgR. C. No group may be registered with another Intergroup D. Section 3 - Intergroup Representatives (IgRs) Definition - An Intergroup Representative is a person duly elected by a group and is responsible for representing said group at Intergroup Meetings.
An IgR is responsible for: 1. Attending all Intergroup Meetings; 2. Reporting regularly to the group on the functions and activities of Intergroup; 3. Maintaining a continuing record of Intergroup meetings, correspondence, and policies; 4. Notifying the Alternate IGR if the IGR cannot attend an Intergroup meeting; and, 5. Seeing that all communications from Intergroup are made available and disseminated to the group. Section 4-VOTING BODY Any OA member attending any meeting of the Intergroup has the right to be heard, once recognized by the chair.
Section 5 - Membership with voice and no vote may be: A. Any employee
ARTICLE IV - INTERGROUP OFFICERS Section 1 The following Service Officer positions shall be maintained by Intergroup: Chair, Vice Chair, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall comprise the Executive Committee. Section 2 - Qualifications for Officers
Section 3 - Method of Election
Section 4 - Terms of Office
Section 5 - Responsibilities of Intergroup Officers A. Chair:
B. Vice Chair:
C. Corresponding Secretary:
D. Recording Secretary
E. Treasurer:
Section 6 - Vacancies and Resignations
Section 7 - Filling of Vacancies
Section 8 The Intergroup Board shall have authority to conduct the Intergroup business between meetings and in the case of emergencies. ARTICLE V - REGION REPRESENTATIVES Section 1 - Qualifications
Section 2 - Method of Election
Section 3 - Responsibilities
Section 4 -Expenses
Section 5 - Vacancies and Resignations
Section 6 - Filling of Vacancies
Section 2 - Method of Election Section
Section 3 - Responsibilities
Section 4-Expenses Each Delegate shall be reimbursed for the following expenses incurred in attending WSBC:
Section 5 - Vacancies and Resignations
Section 6 - Filling of Vacancies
ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS Section 1 - Meetings
The Intergroup shall meet six times a year at a time and place designated by a majority of the voting members. Members who cannot attend in person will be able to teleconference with the group. Meetings shall take place in January, March, May, July, September and November. Election of officers shall be held in the month of November.
The Intergroup shall have six teleconference calls a year to check on the progress of ongoing projects only. No recorded minutes taken. These calls shall be in February, April, June, August, October and December. Section 2 - Special Meetings A special meeting may be called at any time by a majority vote of the Intergroup Executive Committee by giving notice as prescribed in Article V, Section 3. Section 3 - Method of Notification Notification of all meetings shall consist of notices prepared by the Intergroup Corresponding Secretary and distributed to each group secretary and/or IgR two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Notification may also be made by placing an announcement in the Intergroup newsletter, if any, or by mail, and at the prior Intergroup meeting. Section 4 - Quorum A quorum as referenced in Article III Section 4A, shall be present in order to conduct business. ARTICLE VIII - COMMITTEES Section 1 - Standing Committees The following standing committees may be established as required to carry out the purposes of Intergroup in the most effective and efficient manner.
Section 2 - Special Committees The Board shall designate such special committees as are deemed necessary for the welfare and operation of the Intergroup. Section 3 - Committee Appointments Committee Chairs may be elected by members of the Committee. Any OA member who is committed to abstinence, working the twelve steps, and upholding the twelve traditions of OA may be elected to chair a standing or special committee . Section 4 - Committee Responsibility A. Each standing and special committee chair shall submit a written report to the Intergroup at each Intergroup Business Meeting, and at the end of any specific event coordinated by that committee. B. Any committee desiring to spend Intergroup monies must submit a budget for approval to the Intergroup or executive committee. Any committee decision and or vote to expend funds in excess of the approved budget, shall require prior approval by the Intergroup. When any monies are expended from an approved budget, a detailed and itemized financial report shall be included with the committee report and receipts of expenses shall be submitted to the Intergroup Treasurer Section 5 - Vacancies Should a vacancy, resignation or removal of a committee chairman occur, all pertinent information shall be turned over to the Intergroup Chair. Section 6 - Removal of Committee Chair Committee Chair shall be removed from office on recommendation of the Intergroup Chair with approval of majority vote of the membership present and voting. Removal is based on failure to fulfill the duties and requirements of the Committee Chair. ARTICLE IX - FUNDS Section 1 - Source of funds
Section 2 - Prudent Reserve There shall be no accumulation of funds beyond current necessities, with retention of only a prudent reserve for contingencies. Funds in excess shall be donated to Region 6 and to the World Service Office bi-monthly as budgeted and directed by the Intergroup. Section 3- Expenditure of Funds No part of the net earnings of this association shall ever inure to or be used for the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the association shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payment and distribution in furtherance of the express purposes for which it is formed. ARTICLE X - PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Section 1 The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this Intergroup in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, the Twelve Traditions or any special rules of order this Intergroup may adopt. ARTICLE XI - AMENDMENTS TO THESE BYLAWS Section 1 These bylaws, with the exception of Article II, Sections 2 (The Twelve Steps), 3 (The Twelve Traditions), and 4 (The Twelve Concepts of OA Service), may be amended at any time by a simple majority vote of the members present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the Intergroup, provided a copy of the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing and received by each group affiliated with this Intergroup at least three weeks prior to the meeting in which action is to be taken on the amendment. ARTICLE XII- MAJOR POLICY MATTERS Section 1
Southwestern CT Intergroup Policies and Procedures Manual Policy Number: 001 Originally Passed: 5/10 Checking Account POLICY Intergroup funds will be kept in a checking account. PROCEDURE There will be three signatories on the account, the treasurer and two other Intergroup officers . In the event an officer(s) is unavailable, an Intergroup Representative who has attended the three Intergroup meetings previous to the election may be elected. All checks will require two signatures. Policy Number: :002 Originally Passed 7/10 Seed Literature for New Groups POLICY: The SWCTIG will allocate up to $75.00 worth of OA and AA conference approved literature for new groups.
ii. The treasurer will contact the Group Rep so that the literature can be picked up by one of the 2 members that will act as guardians. 3. The Chair will report about all literature allocations in the next business meeting. Policy Number: 003 Originally Passed: 7/10 Approval of Minutes POLICY: Once the corrections have been made by the Minutes Approval Committee, the SWCT IG Minutes for that meeting will be approved and distributed in the next Mailing. PROCEDURE:
POLICY NUMBER:004 Originally passed: 11/10 POLICY: SWCT Intergroup is making provision for groups to submit their votes on the WSBC Agenda Questionnaire either by email or through the postal service. PROCEDURE:
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