1. Give to others what you have so freely been given.
2. Encourage someone. 3. Invite someone to coffee or lunch and share one-on-one. 4. Volunteer to carry the key and be responsible for locking up. 5. Offer to mail Lifeline order forms so your group can have back issues. 6. Hug someone. 7. Seek out and sit with someone who looks lonely at a meeting. 8. Talk to a person who's alone. 9. Make nametags for your group. 10. Welcome new reps at the next Intergroup meeting. 11. Make sure new reps have a copy of the bylaws and other information. 12. Introduce new reps to old reps. 13. Coordinate a group adoption program sending letters and tapes to new or struggling groups. 14. Contact a new group and ask if the members have any questions. 15. Help work on the newsletter. Start one if your group doesn't have one. 16. Make a telephone list for newcomers. 17. Encourage people with recovery to give service. 18. Encourage people with recovery to share at your meeting. 19. Recommend speakers for new and struggling groups. 20. Drive a carload of people to a new meeting to share experience, strength and hope. This story first appeared in OASIS, the monthly meeting in print for OA loners, June 2000. It was reprinted in LIfelIne, February 2000, p. 21. Copyright Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. |
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